Enable/Disable Error Reporting

| Friday, September 17, 2010
Go to Control Panel
System Properties
Error Reporting
Click Disable Button

Remember, by default, error reporting is enabled. To disable it, click
Disable error reporting. To continue to be notified when errors occur
without being prompted to report the errors, click to select the But
notify me when critical errors occur check box.

You can specify whether you want to use error reporting for the
Windows operating system, for programs, or for both Windows and
programs, in this case – select both. You can see that you are able to
Choose Programs, and choosing them is as easy as browsing for
executable program files you want to enable error reporting on.

Error: Information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)

I faced a problem with my CD/DVD drive that it was being detected in CMOS and system was also booting using it. But 'My Computer' was not showing its icon. Device Manager was showing that the driver is corrupt. Updating the driver didn't solve the problem. Device Properties was showing the error as in Subject.

Solution that I found workable is as to be shared with you all.

Error: Information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)
These instructions are for XP but it works in Vista too. The difference being how you get to the Command Promp and plus sign (+) vs. arrows.

1. Click Start.
2. Click Run.
3. In the "Open" field type REGEDIT.
4. Click OK.
5. Click "File" in the menu bar.
6. Click "Export" from the drop down menu this will open a new box.
7. Click the down arrow beside "Save In" and select "Local Disk (C".
8. In the File Name field type BACKUP.REG.
9. Verify that under the “Export Range”, that the radio button is beside "All".
10. Click Save.
11. Click the plus sign (+) beside HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
12. Click the plus sign (+) beside System.
13. Click the plus sign (+) beside CurrentControlSet.
14. Click the plus sign (+) beside Control.
15. Click the plus sign (+) beside Class.
16. In the left hand window pane click on {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} to select that key.
17. In the right hand window pane select the UpperFilters registry key and press the delete key on the keyboard.
18. Confirm with an OK.
19. In the right hand window pane select the LowerFilters registry key and press the delete key on the keyboard.
20. Confirm with an OK.
21. Click the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the Registry Editor window to close it.

22. Device Manager - Click to scan for new hardware.

It solved the problem.